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Last Updated December 21th  2024

The ambush was an attempt by the fascist underground democrats to de moralize American tradition via the Republican Party by targeting the next generation of off spring. blind fold and shoot the traitors,  freedom rules.  What one needs to consider is the focus on war criminals from WWII  "Hitler" (War Puppet, actually a better termwould be a War Patsy) and his accomplishes.  Low and behold it is the oldest trick in the book...look here while the Mussolini's, Stalin's and the rest can set up camp in the US of A...the Trojan House.

Shelby issues an extension to hiring previous US government employees not only banning FBI but all US government employees due to the lack of security of their clearance structure.  Shelby states that the United States Government Security Clearance System is compromised and corrupt.  In her findings she made an additional note that US Government credentials are substandard.


Huntington Joke:  The light is not on upstairs at the whathouse and the the union want's a trillion dollars to change it.


ST:  Politicians willingly to bankrupt and jeopardize the government are  the new and up coming suicide attacks on America... financial warfare. i.e. via the current war patsy.  And to put across fast and straight something Trump did not want to be part of.


Shelby's assessment of the US security system is dead on...that is why I pulled away from US contracts years ago.  The money is good but the integrity is bad for business e.g. "Third World"  Shelby backs rock "Solid" clients which we are very grateful for.  In layman's terms the US political system has undergone a discreditably along with the targeted disgrace of the Education System.  Penel wife quotes "The Educational Erosion of Life" is a new form of Genocide!


It's Okay,  Cut the dead wood in the Republican Party and you will have forever freedom as God would have intended for earth.  KISS  Keep it Simple


Why is ther always more evil that good through out earth's history?


Spit :  Shelby's husband...the lazy youth contributes the most to the deterioration of progress.


Shelby and Spit still reside in Canada and have children

that understand core survival and educational values that exceed every country.


Russo:  The US is an unbeaten rug that needs still has life.



The Republican Party "Do Nothings" hard at work destroying tax payers dollars while the Democrats steal the people blind.  The two party system of crooks, mafia and low life's that suck the blood out of hard working citizens.  It's time for a changes!

There will be one more round of warnings, then pretty much earth will go back to it's prehistoric state...this will be a final conclusion that evil has no place in God's creation. 

Museum Exhibition

Be prepared for the  Humpty Dumpty...

What the people are not getting when it comes to political corruption is regards to the primary characteristic of a out of control country headed towards destruction.  All  the failed countries in the past were ran by control freaks!  Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao and Tojo...

Militant tunnel network used in attacks against Israel  are similar to Cartel tunnels used to provide criminal access to the US.

Not the first time New York has gone socialist control crazy while pushing it on the rest of the US.

Spies, moles and corrupt government employees invasion of the job market comes with a agenda...hiding behind credentials.

Cartel lab contamination in the US jeopardizes future land and water use.

The Globalist are God's number one enemy on earth.

Time is like currency their is infinite and their is scaled versions.  You have GOD almighty "infinite" and scaled planetary versions. Shelby:

In my experience in travel the scaled planetary versions are very much like teaching the young.  So, once a planetary is in troubled an "angle" goes for a rescue op.  e.g. to battle over whom has the most control over currency is a infinite time line toward destruction.  money is the devils distraction...When GOD put Eve on earth to pro create with you think that was a financial arrangement?  Just walk tall like the FBI was a joke and the CIA was put there to pick up crap and you will be fine...promise.  God doesn't watch and dictate everything you do...he cares about what you want from life.  That is freedom and what the founding fathers of  the America's teaches. Shelby 


St. to meet with former soviet union for reasonable situations, accompanied with his wife to extend kindly agreements sought in the past to put a end to WW's.

Penel and ST rubbed elbows with the Soviet Union Elites of the past and  found promise to  move forward towards a better relationship with Russia.  As the previous Russia  stood-by in caution of a new country (USA)  could make good on its intentions, now finds the USA drastically flawed and corrupt as it is  repeated and noted through out Europe that the USA is weak and growing weaker.  Russo

Rome was not defeated over night!  Europe's most hated amongst the people,  The Roman Empire, did not fall easily.

A increase in corruption is expected in the US.  For example we believe the democrats will rig the '24 elections but not like most would expect.  The election will be rigged for Trump to win where the democrats will use it to turn the table of election fraud.  This is how bad the Politics in the US has gotten.  Sue

special note:  re-indexing  USA's corruption...wouldn't happen to play a part in all the fudging of statistics we have been seeing lately?  When the numbers don't match reality there is something very wrong going on.  Skewing statistics is like reading a book and spending the time  to verify the resources.  You really need to pay attention to how the data was arrived.

Several warnings will be presented with regards to earths evil path, then a final warning...meaning these acts will put earth on track to pro create on a newly created planet.  Again earth will pro create on new planet  Shelby 


As a high level secret specialty op...I can tell god delivers...there is a god that looks out for us.  I have witnessed the whole world changing every molecule in the blink of an eye to save it from evil.  God plans to remove the corrupt elite like the dinosaurs.  hint:  the corrupt few are number one on the FBI and CIA list...for bribes!  Unfortunately these Alpha Bets can not protect its citizens but only placate the system.


A new planet accessible to earth according to ST after rereading Shelby's report has in the works for some time.  The window is purely a time frame before earth becomes completely entrenched in corruption and evil, making the new planet a target for more of the same.  Earth is at a period of a break down "breaking point" where the use of dangerous weapons are  in space and a threat to the future of the celestial heavens.  The point is earth is no a contributor to good things in the future and as stated earlier has been evil for quite some time.  As earth teeters on the bridge of self destruction the new planet can still be an expansion to a newly evolved civilizations that has learned to over come evil and corruption.


There is no interest accommodating a civilization that turns its own world into a hell hole.  ST claims he did not read the report in an infinite perspective.  What is perceived in a short period of time, as to a long period of time.  e.g. thousand and millions of years later.  It would take earth approximately a minimum of 100,000 years to recover from its self destruction by so called Mankind.

Supreme Court added as part of the swamp.

CIA put on terrorist watch lists citing a long past of election interference.

Misappropriation Act-Goes after those who misuse, abuse, steal and launder the peoples tax money.

Notice how the bad apples stand out in the Republican Party and not in the Democrat Party...think about that.  Sue

Shelly "Shell" changed the hiring requirements for new recruits after Shelby's report regarding the low standard of credentials.  She states Shelby is right!  It's not worth hiring based on credentials any more.  It's unbelievable just to hire someone to answer the phone lines...they talk to their friends all day long and when somebody calls in they put them on hold to finish their conversation with their friend.  Then their are the ones that  will be on their cellphone all day long expecting a promotion or raise after the probation period.

We are establishing our own educational program.

Peggy concluded that the US would go to war on its own citizens in an attempt to cover up all of the governments corruption.  Sort of like an "umbrella war" to shield it's self from the liability and instill a deep fear driven society in order to maintain their corrupt power without question.  That's how corrupt governments end war with it's own people.

Sue notes that the continuance of corruption in governments at the current rate would lead the world back into another dark age which will be far worse than the past Great Depression was.

Carl pointed out putting clandestine type leaders  in power is not  good politics. e.g. Putin and Bush. It's bad enough with the corrupt politicians that exist.  What governments need is qualified good leaders.  Too much corrupt, old and feeble dead wood in the government is like dry rot...your have to always watch your step or you will fall through the floor.


Trying revive the FBI (Alphabet Agency Beyond Repair) will only accelerate the shut down of overly corrupt field offices. e.g.  It's like letting violent criminals right back on to the streets to commit more crimes.

Single  Asian women in the US are  abundant. Since China's aggression via COVID, Media and Taiwan along with fentanyl, secret policing and political espionage it is harder for them to find a mate leaving a void for male Asians to fill.  Peggy

The United States of America-Corrupt Politics, Justice Departments, Court Systems, Military Complex, Corporations, Elections and Education all ran by a President that lacks both mentally and physically.  "


A country based on integrity, the faith of God and the constitution now just a stack of lies." Fran

Ted points out that the United States does collapse in Shelby's report and suggests that the cause was due to the deterioration of leadership. The political decision making process became so corrupt that it completely fell apart and had to go back to the basics of the constitution to recover but not without complete world wide humiliation.  Eventually free trade and normal political relationships will get back on track  and hopefully before high taxes and tariffs deliver a death blow to the economy.  That said there is no real need for war other than that of corrupt politicians and war complex criminals greed.  Shelby did note that the sooner the better will exponentially increase the US's recovery and that this is where corruption plays into the hand of bad stalls the recovery.  The reasoning is the ability to steal from the government.  Why would political criminals want to fix something if they are making bank hand over fist?  For power.  The next political criminal step would be a one party elite system where the people are considered disposable citizens.

Two surgeries for brain aneurysms where twenty five percent die within 24 hours, fifty percent die within three months and sixty six percent have permanent brain damage.  Side effects include personality changes,  inability to learn and concentrate, reduction of memory and loss of mental skills.  "Rigged Puppet"  Carl


Joke: You emptied their piggy bank just before a major war...that was a smart.

Ukraine was originally part of  the founding of Russia know as the state of Kievan Rus with Kiev as it's capital during the 9th century and choose Orthodox in the 10th century while Poland choose Catholic being recognized by the Holly Roman Empire.  Everything seems to have started in the 10th century with Kiev launching several raids against Constantinople the capital of the Roman Empire.   Shawn

Transition from feudalism to religion and politics. The age of religious wars and political warfare.

Now let's fast forward for a bit where large-scale electoral fraud was found to be wide spread.  A good example would be Poland in 1947 where socialism became the new buzz word for communism in order to be considered a democracy.  Carl

Industial Warfare





Traditional Warfare Transistion to Global-Warfare

One Order Warfare


Bio-Warfare (COVID)



One Order Rule would  be against border walls other than their own.

 Memory loss and ability malingering to escape the high crime of 18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason.


In order to move forward with a impeachment process the need to perform a series of test to detect any exaggerating including the use of drugs. 

That is a problem with Judges that are about to "Punch Out" and retire e.g.  lack of concern in making decisions.  "Short Timer" disease.  There are a hidden vulnerabilities with short timer's; from just not caring about doing a good job, putting things off (kicking the can down the road) all the way to easily being persuaded or  bribed and accepting incentives that they never would of consider earlier in their career.  Carl


New York Judge Mandatory Retirement
The mandatory retirement age of judges and justices in New York State is 70 years of age except for Supreme Court justices who can be “certificated” to serve for three additional two year terms beyond 70 until the year in which they reach 76.

The Assassination


The order was given for a high profile hit...but can't remember giving it.

The Trump Tariff  Alarm

How to train your boss 101 to be successful.

ST claims his ties to the

CIA and FBI and foreign files.

Suggest the opposite to world order to individualism.  God does not work on the fathom  of whole control.  It was  was the US that fore-fronted the new age of  individualization that has been obstructed to evil.  Huntington states the cia and fbi were bust long ihas been whata .. whata for some time now.  Shelby  


Ted joke looky lews

Shell opens hiring to jail birds, quoting ST and Huntington success with criminals that turn the leaf on life.  We have retired many agents that turned a new page on life that have made world changing advances never possible without them.  The op team is world renowned and goes by the shield name "ANOINTED ONES".  It has been told that the name was derived from their training to endure torture and the ability to survive any event or circumstance of evil turning it into good.

Don't want 'em back, rigged with agents...USofAsswipes not trusted world wide...

We'll take the agents and give them purpose. 



shelby opens all USA facilities states US in peril. m33ting @ vault for update.


evil rights a wrong and

wrongs a right...two sided coin

Shelby puts the USofAssholes on high alert...notes the level of government corruption if not kept in check will wipe the country off the map.  Although a high level of concern, even more devastating is weapon  labs in space.  ST plugs Shelby into a wider investigation and gives her reach in thousands of years.  Note ST reach is in billions while Huntington and Ted are at the million.  Easily note that the sun solar flares are merely a shot over the bow...a direct hit and ultimatum of a piece of the sun breaking off and directly hitting earth...resulting in the next civilization breaking open rocks of the past.  Your car that runs on fossil fuel only has kept earth from igniting into a micro sun.

The Black Ops and Anointed Ones are Shelby's top tier operation specialist.  They do not co mingle and both are governed by their own allegiances.

Filling Out a Medical Form

Shell:  The literacy and comprehension was seriously low.  Shelby shuts down new hiring.  Shell to do more research on recruiting in the area while the the training team packs up for better prospects else where.  Huntington: They have been picked through already.  The smart ones were snapped up most likely by the Mafia and Gangs.    If you still want to help out there try the small business owners that were burned.  I am sure they would be grateful.  I wouldn't spend too much time there...they have been rubbing wooden nickels for so long it is burning and about to crash.

When Horeland Suckurity, the FoolsBeIdiots and ClueIessAssholes think they are doing a great job while in reality they have completely lost it causing disorder and distrust from of all their lies...that is a dysfunctional government that has lost touch with the people and god.  Oh, now it's the aliens fault.


Huntington Joke-Now we knows where all the evil ones go, they don't go to heaven, they go into politics.

Religions have been a target of the Stasi process for a long time.  ST has seen them in action.

No, Alien Intellects can steer galaxies without landing them upside down.  The issue is bio labs and other toxic weapons  that threaten and disturb advanced worlds abroad in space.  I can go into detail but it would be like giving matches to a two year old to play with.

No, there is not plan to destroy earth and her universe.  Another planet has been set aside to teach how to explore further.  It is understandable, mistakes can be made, but evil is not acceptable and if repeated ends in self destruction.  There are plans being made to mitigate these scenarios.

The United State's all new Democratic Society of Advanced Civilization.

  Where it is a tradition of kind gesture for neighboring countries to send violent and murderous criminals as a gift of peace and harmony to one another. It is customary to let someone into your home to rape and have their way with your children.  And it is a international policy to let criminals do as much damage as possible before taking action and doing anything about it. Do we need to wear our pants on backwards  and underwear over our heads too?

Huntington Joke:  For only 32 trillion you too can start your own advanced society and become a modern age civilization wonderfully in debt till the end of all time.  Sign up now before the stock market and banks collapse.  Get a 10% discount if you have any dirt on politicians that are anti debt to destroy America.

Shelly=  A;; you ned to comprehend is,,the jews wer set i[ i[up in ww2  we are going to work it from there and every thing will be fine.  details would start ww3.


ST the only people that want war are the ones that profit from war.  I can see the headlines USA wiped off the map by the simplest war tactic ever reverse psychology.

Shelby listed the Democrat Party as a Trojan Horse Media Cult that undermines American Freedoms and Values.

Huntington warns the FBI going Waco is only going to get worse...there 's not just a few bad apples.  A Stasi'd FBI with a few bad apples, just doesn't fit the picture. They are out to lunch, been that way for years.


The fox in the hen house invited everybody for a party. Now they come and go as they please. 

Higher taxes and labor costs will lead to increased inflation.  Adding high tariffs is instant runaway inflation.  People will not be able to purchase alternative lower cost goods and services  only to see continued suffering from high taxes, a onslaught of frivolous lawsuits while being forced to pay for over priced goods and services...a union mafia's dream come true. A recipe for economic disaster...Depression.  The only cost that will decrease will be the price of dangerous drugs, go figure.  All this while executives, politicians, and government leaders get raises and a pat on the back for doing a good job crime and corruption continues to spiral out of control.

Stasi ops do not operate with just a few high ranking positions, but will sacrifice a high ranking to protect several on going operations that work below them.

Political Monopolies Lead to High Prices and Market Abuses.

Newtons Law, does high interest rates reduce the price of goods?  No, high interest rates increases the price of goods and services.  High crime rates such as theft increases the cost of doing business which lead to higher prices of good and services.  Frivolous lawsuits, same thing increases the cost of business and leads to higher prices. Set make US look dumb, go bankrupt and end up in a major depression.  Riots, loss from damages to businesses leads to a higher cost of doing business. Terrorist attacks, increases the risk of doing business,  Wars, businesses unable to keep profitable due to lack of inventories from embargo's, tariffs and restricted logistics...higher prices.  Government over spending,  more of your tax dollars going towards interest leaving less money for the government to its bills, increases taxes which leads to higher prices due to increased cost of dong business.  permits, business taxes, licenses etc.  and the cost to start a business will go up.

It is a norm that exotic animals once they get past a determined age they turn on heir owners.  So it has been a well known practice to have to recover and/or put down the animals for safety reasons.

US just not smart enough to be a world leader...with all their intel they still crap and wet their panties and run to mommy.  Shelby's new report shows the US completely removed off the map...Republicans not doing their part.  "Too many mommy boys loses the war."  There are no get out of jail cards for all involved in government corruption.  Shelby notes that many corrupt US politicians being executed.


ST: : Watch how the pros paint the back drop for a political hit and learn.

The Federal Reserve cooks the numbers and the Alphabet cooks the the media. 


Huntington:  That's just their one, two punch...keep your guard up.  Shelby's report is solid both the FBI and CIA get repurposed...Very,very bad, if it looks like they are actually alive and doing well it was all the maggots inside the organization giving it the illusion.  When they end up stinking everybody out, it will be time.  Honey pot Stassi Removal....the more it stinks the more that's gone.  The Cycle of the Fisherman, Worm and King.


Joke:  New contract out to build a wall around DC to keep US citizens safe.

The US Government was dumbed down to the point of creating its own destruction.  Shelby believes the degree of this effect was intentional  to instill fear into the citizens as part of a coup.  When the dumbing down process did not work and citizens started standing up against bad politicians, corporations and unions then alternative measures were improvised;  Lockdowns, Lawfare and Induced Violence.  Fake lawsuits, raids, terrorist, war threats and attacks, etc. e.g. staged events.

 FBI and CIA maggots are eating away the country...Carl

Huntington Joke:  The price of parmesan could hit a record high causing a panic to sell because it wasn't cracked up to be what it was.



ST:  Since when do criminals follow or even obey laws, that's a new one on me...I think their motto is laws are made to be broken.  Criminals are like heating up pop corn...once you get the heat on them they start with every thing in life, you have to know when to shut it off, otherwise the operation goes up in smoke..and if you do that enough times you will be looking for a new pot to piss in.

Operation Warp Speed a complete flop.  Positive side would support what was already known,  Big Pharma corruption. Savana

The CIA has been egg heads for a long time.  Definitely not  a for the people organization.  If the USA truly won the cold war we wouldn't be in the mess you see now.  The cold war is instead escalating into WWIII which pretty much is the same war. The problem is you don't have is a real government, fake. That is why Stasi tactics are highly successful.  If the government doesn't have the balls to clean won't have one to clean or your balls for that matter.  Sandra

Little Target Practice

Why would a government or military be targeting civilians?    Because their military and government have already been Stasi'd so it would be like targeting themself.  If you see a war where civilian buildings, hospitals, churches and random or even mass civilians are being targeted, you have a Stasi operation situation.  Betty


Huntington Joke:  How many politicians does it take to screw in a light bulb? A majority of them.


The NEWAVE ops  by ManUpspecial ops team. e.g. take down of corrupt extreme left wings acting out as extreme right wings for political gain. i.e. the right only goes so far were as the left can become unscrewed (unhinged).  lefty righty politics.

There will be no support for Nazi Royals by our team... Shelby

ST and Penel made a showing internationally with their children on the  4th.  The under breath of intelligence and military was they have more stars and stripes than the American Flag.  From there they will take a family meet and greet to New Zealand as the look a likes will be phased out and up dated.

buydumb. politics




Huntington:  the other shoe

ST:  Tie 1 on

​Democrat Party:  dumb as a box of rocks.


That's why they were targeted...hence the US is so stupid they fall for the same con over and over, proclaimed widely throughout by European Criminals.  The DNC would be a good example of the dumbing down process; drugs, poor education, bad government policies...on and on.  It is part of how the Stasi ops work.  Peggy



Mind control using high frequencies, old trick.  Sandra

Training Deployment Checks are being mail out early due to severe world wide conflicts.  Those that found themselves caught up with financial issues, please inquire with HR for a plan to pull you out of debt.  Those with conflicts with significant other, friends or foes please seek resolution as added stress takes away from performance.  HR has several plans on how to increase performance by balancing your family  and personnel activities.

Those that failed your preliminary deployment test will report for additional training.

ST's space buddies introduce a new space craft.  Two-seater, dark mode interior version (masculine), seats designed for long distant comfort.  Light years of travel in seconds.  ST to under go a medical make over.  Several of Gods children from earth have willingly been transported to the new planet to start a  community.

My new ride opens on one side left top, seating is laid back or contoured supine, the interior would make any race car driver jealous lots of detail, no wheels. Two seats close to each other.  Pictured is approximately the size but with two seats and a dark mode (shades of black).  None of other stuff, small panel, can't talk about the controls.  Oh, no seat belts.

The verge of going off the rails...upside down,  money shake, let you go.  The evil type of government that everyone wants gone.

Does light them up like a Christmas tree ring a bell... Santa is on the way.

Business Meeting

A new mentoring program will be taking effect.  Qualified Agents will be spending time with disqualified agents to guide them back to their A game and get them back into the action by assessing their skill level inorder to find where they could fit in and still be an asset to the team.

A hand full of agents were put on disability...mission accomplished on weeding out an illness that could of spread before it became destructive. It is expected that more will be added that fail retraining. The major issue is their response time to situations is very low and the accuracy to details were well below average, basically a threat to operations.

Weapons in space is the problem...planetary suicide. Obviously there is an abundance of crazy political, military and corporate leaders, which is a recipe for self destruction.  The DNC would be a good example in current time, destroying the last free country in the world.  Hitler would be one from the past.  Now just imagine the whole world scenario, that would be a planetary suicide. Earth obviously is headed towards extinction.  Maintaining boundaries of its self destruction in space is critical, considering that their own weapons is the cause and can have adverse effects to other universes and galaxies.

Typically disability can run from months to years and the recovery rate is high...most get fired up  getting their head cut in and  back into the game.

Indulgence fits into the puzzle

Toilets & Sinks Installation

Huntington Joke: Political Potty Training: Hold the lever down longer. 

"Commie La Waltz"

No brainer... there are more honest  Republican's than Democrats.  Newton's Law of Gravity


Lies are like lead weights that bring world's to their end.  Fran

By the Horns-Repulican  By the Tail-Democatats  Sue

The long blank in earth's history...Evil wiped out before it's too late.  Shelby reaches the end of the dark period of earth.   Earth goes dormit near extinction  then gets revived by a space iceberg.  The perfect frozen mass of water is all set and ready to be deployed.  Earths new life will begin leaving its evil destructors  extinct.

Mind Control, what is it?  When you come up with an idea and before you can put it into any kind of legal disappears from your thought and mind.

There are several space icebergs ready to deploy to earth.  A team to break down and inject the water from one into earth is underway.  Sample tests on the sun's structure is promising.

Fiery Sun
Prayer at the Western Wall

Walls are built when needed, just like a door with a lock that can be locked and unlock when needed. 

Homosexuality declared as a evil...not part of the descent from ever living life as promoted by god. Shelby


Recall several warnings previous with regards to Europe dumping sexual, mental and criminal deviates onto the USA.  Then blaming the USA of  genocides to cover their ass and protect themselves.  Shelby's report notes the plot will be carried out regardless of of political sway.  Savana


Huntington Joke: That's a second in time, don't blow it.


ST:  You don't know shit til you live in it...


Zoe:  Europe will Flip flop on deviate sexual behavior after US catastrophic episode like they had nothing to with it


Shelby retreats and takes cover in the Canadian cold with offspring.  Spit takes the trigger and finds Shelby retreated to be with her young.  Huntington flies out meet spit, along with ST.  ST noted nothing wrong with a pointer in the lead...just get the job done.


Spit and Shelby's hide out in the Canadian tundra is considered a historical site where they hide and and kept their offspring protected.  It will be preserved for those who stumble upon it.

Note the first coming of christ was the casus belli to the fall of the roman empire.  The second coming of christ is the casus belli to the fall of the roman church.  Shawn

Distrust for government goes  far back to a joke as old as hills (or politics itself)...How do you tell if a politician is lying?  Their lips are moving.  Huntington


Government trust typically runs very low in countries with political corruption.  Carl

US Biolabs of Mass Destruction and Control puts America on the map as one of the most dangerous out of control countries in the world.

Criminals have been fleeing to the America's for a very, long, long time.  No surprise that they are trying to take over and run the show.

Huntington Joke:  American Politics is in dire need of an Exorcism.

The United States becomes the land of disease and death in 1925...the land of death and destruction...European political design.  A Leopard Country because they don't fall in line with the world order.  Dumb Americans drop like flies until it is too devastating drugs and poison....soo many persons stand out  shouting America is death.  One order is Monarchy, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini Mafia rule  that rids the Americas of its freedom.  Long live to the King of Freedom from Government  Abuse becomes a death sentence.  But what about gods reaction to all of this?  The  US is an accumulation of all evil with the Vatican Mafia Arm acting as its core.  You have to look at life as a kill switch the enemy has at all times.  The mafia jews and catholics are the historic jesus killers (they killed jesus, nothing but the left hand washing the right as a reference.

Spit notes war is like a soufflé...and the US has too many chefs in the kitchen.  The US loses it reference in history over sexual and  law-fare   abuse in both the political and commercial sectors.  The US ends like Hitler, a bunch of dumb Americans listening to a government of thieves.

Shelby recommends staying away from mafia related religions...!!!

Spit; Shelby's long time squeeez (trigger) on Chitlins  pulls the trigger on the MAFIA over rule of Americam.


Huntington:  spit finds shelby slide of hand intuitive...The Word u all need too loooook at is Amoeba.

spit som

Spit:  You can't trust the US...they have gone total bananas, flipped off their lid, slid off the cracker and have no idea what they are doing or why they  are doing and it is only going to get worse.

Shelby broke a hitman code and is under investigation.  So far the incident was productive and did not jeopardize future ops.  ST

encounters with god...many forms but most pronounced would be the ability to change everything in a split second.  That is where you meet people from another time. So basically the angles that greet you will be instrumental in your life.  They will take life forms to see you safely back to getting on with your life.  ST  eg A fire glowed and hovered over him when at a time of cold extreme would be the most significant. Stricken with sickness and no heat a ball of heat and warmth kept ST warm until he recovered out of no where.  Let's make a point here and now Russia is not the weak point of freedom and democracy it is acualy the US that was compromised by world governments and one order polices.  Russia will always be Russia and the US...nobody can depend on or trust on them and it will be etched in gold for eons.  The damage is already done and not recoverable.


It is actually a good thing, sometimes a country needs a good ass whooping to get back in line.  and Russia, they learn from the past mistakes really quick!  They sense weakness with even with out a clue.  The funny ending is that Russia ends up more like a Republic.  Review the flag colors...and how control, money and powers work.

Candle Lighting Prayer

ST and God:  Okay.  From just a elementary kid a white glowing object would approach him periodically. While at a young age typically distant... but as he matured, about when the opposite sex was the highlight  of his curiosity, the light in the sky grew enormous, as if the moon was right in front him.  From where ever it originated from it looked deep into his eyes with future and greatness.


ST flew into San Francisco once upon a time during a storm and a fire ball entered the plane and displayed itself. (the same one in his time of need previous) It was later reported that their was damage to the aircraft and a  entry point was made.  Several passengers reported seeing a fire ball moving along the center of walk way of the plane.


When it come to angels, they greet you typically in after life experiences...but will become your first contact as you enter back into real life situations in extremes.  But from observations angles actually live amongst us and are what can best be described as humans living in two worlds.  In simple description an angle is one of experience that lives in another advanced world and participates in another world that is not as advanced.  So, yes angles do live with us...from actual real life experience, yes they do.  ST

Spit is happily to announce the team endorsement of DT for Prez...God bless America,,, and lets grab the Bull****  by the Horns! 

Shelby hit-man case was obsloved...intent gaveled by her peers was to detect weakness equivlant to a grey hat hacker and with spit's connections proved as a white hat op.  Unfortunately it is not allowed to discuss the code that was brought up against Shelby.  But what can be revealed is the cloak of conduct..worthy of decisions made.

To clarify, angles exist amongst us while at the same time in another world or time. They exist here and another world at the same time...

Huntington.  I do not how to explain...but from mums lips,  its like a spoiled and a little brain washed bush moment.  just like adding sugar Putin and cream Netanyahu.  The worlds growing pain Iran but a wise mans joy.  Zelenskyy is more the modern day boot legger of illegal international financial moves.  Its just a big chess board.  Just a wise note Russia is a peaceful country.

ST:  Shelby was in big shitski...the slope of her angle was suddenly not in her favor.  More like Black hat voodoo.  It is safe to say she was mining a drag net of dark vulnerabilities to the most sophisticated hitman ops unimaginable to the science world.

Spit has opened hiring for special ops.  Training will start immediately.  Second language a plus.

the American mafia will become a two time loser...Iran will be Iranians, Israelians will be Israel, Italians will be Italy and Rome will have its will the rest of the world. Say it of the all mighty.

Shelby:  I thank the lorde for saving the world from war and destruction at a time when power and corruption was destine...God bless who still believe in peace and freedom.  I have retired and will devote my best years to my children and thank whole heartedly for the opportunities given to me by Huntington and ST that brought me and Steve together.

Special notice that Angles are only females...Think about it and remember the garden of Eden.  Keep in mind there are still worlds where females eat their male counterparts.  So a world of female dominance has a tendency to decrease the population while male dominance will increase the population.


The ritual is sex, tie you to a tree, eat your testicles and then  boil for the rest. 


ST actually witnessed these events in his planetary travel.  They lure you into sex against a tree and during climax they tie you up and eat your balls, sometimes and more often other body parts (like fresh meat) depending on vibes of the ceremony. They exist and are out there...


It is not out of question that a Planet of this dominance would target earth as example by its creator.  ST states there several planets...several.  That are undeveloped and ripe for earth to expand to.  ST will up date a specific planet evolution that meet earths exploration.

Joe flicked the commie Harris fly .  Well done. A Alcatraz moment.  that breaks the curse.

God wants a sign that  planet earth is willing and can present and represent itself to planet travel without corruption, destruction, disease and contamination etc. ???

Why the FBI became the enemy of the state...because the mafia over ran them.  The FBI was considered weak and vulnerable during their developmental days which led to the now and ever so corrupt state that they are in. Just like sex, drugs and rock in roll the US will turn junkie, rogue and depression.

Republicans continue to move the US to the Empty on the monetary gauge.  Although with the increase of conservatives, the fight for citizens rights is the major goal at large and on the move.  Politicalism is a new term  use to describe  the use of power grab crimes by the government criminal elites.  Republicans are the deer in headlights...democrats the car.

Oh, oh, oh, Best to all whom are trying to avoid the Mary Hail of  union mobsters and scientists trying to rob everybody.

We wish all a very un communist "Chinese" year in hopes of for a happy new year of freedom... and remember the mafia, no matter what country or religion, is just decoration that eventually gets taken down.


Joseph Stalin 1879–1953
Soviet dictator famousquote::   I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this—who will count the votes, and how.   said in 1923; Boris Bazhanov The Memoirs of Stalin's Former Secretary (1992); see Stoppard


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