1%-The maximum for how many people may know what is really going on
Π²-Lin is the polylogarithm. 13 is equivalent to Π² = 12 Li2 (1/2) + 6 (ln 2)²
ABW- Accelerated Bio Weapon
AEC-The Art of Expediting a Crisis
AMT-Another Mafia Turd
BDG-Billion Dollar Gangsters
BWB "Big World Bluffers"
C²M-Computer Controled Measures
Chopped Liver-Gut the place
CP-Capitol Punishment Mafia version Capital Pee-on's
CTRS-Chemicals that target the reproductive system
DMToE- the Dead Monkey Time of Error
DMG-Dirty Money Group
ECHELON-Code Name for a Global Network Surveillance System
EμV-Enhanced Micro Video
EV-Evil Foe
FBI-Farmost Best Intel (Mafia Informant Version- Family's Board of Intimidators)
FOCUS-Future Organized Crime Union Syndicate (also called the Future Family)
FVEY-Five Eyes
GPTF-Genocide Preventive Task Force
GoD's-Government on Drugs or Governments Dependent on Drugs
GOP-Grapevine of Politics
HACS "hidden agenda colossals"
Holiday-Mafia Break
Holly War-Super Rich on Drugs
Hopscotch-Throw the money in the right places and win
KBG-Killer Green Bud
KGB-Krimlin's G-men's Best
KGD-Known Good Doctor
Krysha-Russian Mafia
Legal Corruption Legal Updated Spreadsheet Reference Reading by Daniel Kaufmann & Pedro Vicente
Mobsters, Unions, and Feds by James B. Jacobs
MBP-Mafia Buying Power: When the Mafia wants something they drown it in drugs & corruption then buy it for next to nothing!s-Mafia spies
MW-Mafia Wars-Smoke Signals for the Super Rich
OMDMO-Organized Media Deception Mafia Organizations
Pentagon-a funny looking shape that looks like a square with a pointed hood where money disappears.
Politics-Stacking one lie on another as high as possible, going over the heads of the people, above the law.
PYLE-People You Least Expect
SD-Street Drugs
Pentagon-a funny looking shape that looks like a square with a pointed hood where money disappears
RW²-Right whether Wrong
SBS- Secret Banking System
SCS-Simplified Communication System
S&M's-Social Media Manipulation
SS-Schutzstaffel Reference Reading:
SW-Street Warfare
TBT "too big to be true...believed or to be seen"
The Pyramid of Corruption-reference reading by Kiran Batni
Trojan-Pay us every sunday because god is inside
Trojan Horse-Heroin Distribution Center
V²S-Virtual Value System
Wafia-Womens version of the Crime Family (Boogiemen hiding behind Skirts)
White House-The Boogieman Did It!
W²R-wrong whether right
LSDB-Large Scale Dirty Bombs
MSM-Militant Socialist Movement
Mafia Cat Fight MCF.ops
Demafia-Democratic Mafia Party (DMP), Demob
CCP-Communist Catholic Party
Rhino- RINO (Republican In Name Only)